Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Eat to Diet: The Diet Solution Program in A Nutshell

Is this another fad diet program?

This question might have popped up of your mind when you heard of the Diet Solution Program. Well, it really is not easy to believe that there is a way that one can eat to diet or eat to lose weight. Imagine, being served with delicious meals when trying to lose some pounds; it does sounds crazy.

To begin with, the Diet Solution Program, or the DSP, is not a diet but a solution to your diet issues. Why? Because it does not dictate you which foods to eat; it educates you about food and makes you decide and plan your own day by day diets.

How does it work?

First of all, you must understand that this is not a crash diet, it will not ask you to take diet pills or shakes, it will not starve or deprive you of food and lastly, you will not be asked to count calories. What it does is give you information that you can use right away so that you can begin your weight loss project as soon as you are handed the details.

The DSP is anchored to three main principles:

1.      For you to know the exact foods that cause accelerated fat burning in your body
2.      For you to identify the particular foods that are preventing fat burning
3.      To put the right foods together in a certain way to create the Fat burning Effect

As you apply these three principles in your day by day diets, you can expect to lose 3-10 lbs or about 1.2-4.5 kg on your first week and a continuous weight loss after that. This may sound typical for any weight loss programs but the means in getting there is what make the difference because none of the others would ask you to eat to diet.

The DSP would also open your mind to many facts about food, specifically about sugar, fat, carbohydrates, calories and processed foods. You might be surprise to learn that bacon and eggs are actually your friend and that whole wheat breads are enemies.

There surely are a lot more things that you will learn from the Diet Solution Program but the bottom line is; it is a diet solution that will never ask you to torture yourself for the body that you desire. Try it today and you will definitely see instant results.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Top Reasons Why You Need to Avoid Processed Foods on Your Day by Day Diets

Starting any types of diet program can be very confusing because of a lot of restrictions. You cannot eat this, have much of that, refrain from those, etc. You cannot take them all in at the same time and your confusion may only make your pursuit fail. Well, it really takes time to get use to a certain day by day diets plan. But the best way to start is to minimize consumption of processed foods.

Why processed foods? There are two major reasons why you should stay away from them especially when you are on a quest to lose weight.

1.      Because they contain a lot of sugar – sugar is the number one enemy of the body, especially when too much is consumed. It causes spike in the blood sugar level which is not good specifically to diabetics and those with heart ailments. For dieters, fluctuating blood sugar may cause weight gain because of sudden cravings and over production of insulin which are stored as fat as the body reacts to the plummeting surge of the blood sugar.
2.      Because they contain harmful chemicals – the liver is the one responsible for fat-burning in the body. At the same time, it also filters everything that passes through it to keep the body from being poisoned. When you eat processed foods, the liver would have lesser time for fat burning since it would give more focus on filtering the harmful chemicals that are present in the foods that you ate. Thus, the fat gets stored inside the body.

Processed foods are very convenient but they are not good for your day by day diets. So, as much as possible, go for the natural foods. Stay away from packaged meals and make it a point that you consume foods nearest their natural state.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How to Diet and What to Eat for Diet?

Cheeks puffing, pants that do not fit and a comment about your weight. These are some of the telltale signs that you actually need to shape up. Who wants to be noticed all the time, especially when all they care about is how bulky you are becoming? Oh well, much as you want to just ignore them, I am sure that a huge part of you just want them to stop to make you feel good about yourself again.

Gaining weight can really weaken your self-esteem aside from the fact that it can also become a health concern. Vanity or not, being in shape can really make you feel good. However, it is not always easy getting into a diet because of a lot of reasons including the following:
1.      Lack of idea where to start
2.      You find it difficult to take the first step
3.      You do not know what to eat for diet
4.      You are not motivated
5.      You do not want a lifestyle change

Well, diet and dieting entail sacrifice and hard work. This goes for anything and everything we want in life. Then again, only one thing is required of you so as to succeed and that is discipline. Set your goals and work hard towards accomplishing them. Yes, at first, you will be sacrificing a lot but when you see the end results, all that hard work would be paid off. Settle for delayed gratification rather than indulging and being sorry later on.

Then again, diet and dieting does not always have to be a burden. Deciding what to eat for diet can be so much fun especially if you have compiled diet recipes that work with your metabolic rate. Food nourishes and it can also make you get in shape when you go for the healthy ones. Good fats and carb, fruits and vegetables, bacon and eggs, steak, etc. There are restrictions in what you should eat but you will realize that there is a wide variety of choices left for you after eliminating the bad ones; you will definitely love dieting when you learn which they are.

It would be easy to lose weight with the right kind of diet plan. Start today for faster manifestations of results.