Thursday, February 10, 2011

5 Steps on How to Eat and Lose Weight

Here are the five steps on how to eat and lose weight.

1.      Identify the foods that are good for you.
2.      Refrain from the foods that are bad for you.
3.      Prepare delicious meals using the good foods.
4.      Eat to your heart’s content.
5.      Enjoy fat-burning while eating.

This is not to pull your leg. All the steps that are written above will definitely make you slimmer in a jiffy for as long as you stuck with them. It may sound unbelievable because the steps allow you to indulge yourself in delicious meals but hey, were you not looking for an instruction on how to eat and lose weight?

Not eating or consuming tasteless foods in miniature proportions to lose weight is passé. It is a wonder how many people jump into the notion of starvation and torture just to get a slender figure. Foods are created to be eaten. Yes, many of them can actually make you go fat but if you only know how to mix and match or combine healthy ingredients, you will definitely have a lot of fun dieting.

In the steps above, the very important things are actually the first two. When you know which are good and bad for you, if you can identify the good fat from the bad fat or the good carb from the bad carb, your eating will not be limited to the extent that you do not feel satisfied at all after every meal.

As a starter, you may want to do a simple research first about those that can help you burn fat and those that you need to refrain from. However, if you feel that doing so is such a lot of work, you may also download diet recipes that are anchored on this concept. You will be surprised because there are a lot of them out there because many dieters have already turned their backs from going hungry and started eating to lose weight.

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