Thursday, February 10, 2011

There is a Better Way Than to Lose Weight by Calories

Calories, calories, why are they such a bother? If you are going to eat something, do you still stop first and start calculating the number of calorie contents before devouring them? I wonder how you still keep the appetite after sharing math with lunch. You can actually stop that from now on because there is a better way than to lose weight by calories and that is by eating generously.

Diet and dieting have become a torture for many people who want to lose weight. Imagine being asked to eat just fruits and vegetables every single day of your life. And you are ever allowed to eat something else, even a bird would not be satisfied by the amount you are allowed to consume. That is just ridiculous. Eating is a way of life, so you have to enjoy it. This is not to say that you should forget about your figure. If foods can make you fat, they certainly can make you slimmer as well.

Here is how to do it.
-          Identify the good stuff such as the good fat (whole eggs, raw nuts, olive oil, etc) and the good carbs (rice, millet, sweet potato, etc) and eat them. Take note: you need the good stuffs to burn the unwanted fat from the body. If you keep away from them, you will end up storing all the fats inside.
-          Stay away from foods that easily turn to sugar after digestion (whole wheat bread, cereals, yogurt, etc)
-          Refrain from processed foods because their chemical contents can obstruct the functions of the liver making it store a lot of body fats.

If you lose weight by calories, you will definitely be tired of counting even before you have achieved your ideal weight. However, if you implement the above procedure, you may stop thinking of dieting altogether and just let the combination of such foods take care of the fat-burning for you. 

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