Friday, February 4, 2011

Processed Foods: An Eat to Diet No-no

When you are on a diet, you are often prohibited to eat a lot of things. It is actually true that there are foods which you have to stay away from when trying to lose weight but was it clear to you why you have to do so? Food can make you fat but if you do not eat, how can you become healthy? Do not refrain from food; however, you must identify which ones can do you good. When you are able to do that you may start your eat to diet plan right away.

An eat to diet plan? Well, I call a diet where you can eat food while in the process of losing weight that because that is how I perceive it. You eat so that you can lose weight. How? Well, the culprit in making you fat is food but do you know that the same thing can also be your defense against being bulky. Tell you what, there are good foods and there are bad ones, stick with the earlier and you will shed weight fast without having to skip meals or snacks.

If it is the first time that you have heard that there is such a thing as eating to diet, then let me just give you an idea. Something where you can start with and one which is important in this type of diet – eliminate, or at least minimize processed food consumption. The reason for this is that your body’s number one enemy is sugar and processed foods are teeming with it. The more times that a food is processed: cooked or preserved, the higher its sugar content is and the worse will be its effect on your body.

So, for starters, you keep away from artificial sweeteners, hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup and processed soy products. Do you know that cereals, whole wheat bread and yogurt contain high fructose corn syrup? This is why, as much as possible, you must abstain from them as well.

What then should you eat? It is best to eat fresh fruits and vegetables and those which contain only one ingredient such as chicken, steak, rice, eggs, fish and many others you thought before was not good for you.

Knowledge is prime; learn more about this type of diet and you can shed weight fast without the drawbacks of the typical weight loss plans.

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