Monday, February 21, 2011

What to Eat for Diet: FAT

Wondering what to eat for diet? When you eat to diet, you should include fat. Many people are afraid of fat because of the fear that it would make them flabby and overweight. Most diet plans may require you to avoid them or just to have them in great moderation. What you do not know is that as you do so, you are endangering yourself more of becoming stout.

Fat is very important for the body. Unfortunately, most of us have been misled by the notion that it is the one responsible for making us unhealthy. In some ways, yes, but that is only when you consume the bad fats or artificial fats and if you have more than what is required. Yes, there is a limit to the consumption but not to the point of like abstaining from it altogether. The amount that you should consume would still be significant such as to affect your daily diet.
Eat Right 4 Your Type: The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying Healthy, Living Longer & Achieving Your Ideal Weight
Why do you need to have fat on your eat to diet plan?
-          It is good for the general diet
-          Fat is one of the major sources of calories in food
-          It transports fat soluble vitamins A D E and K to cells allowing for better absorption
-          Adds flavor to dishes
-          It does not cause a spike to the blood sugar level as much as other micronutrients do
-          One of the best sources of energy making you vigorous the whole day

Fat is ingested by the body slower than carbohydrates and other micronutrients, thus you will not easily get hungry and feel burnt out. As a good source of energy, it allows you to perform a lot of physically demanding activities in a day which can help you burn the unwanted fats. You see, it is very useful and it actually helps in your pursuit to lose weight. So, if you will ever again wonder about what to eat for diet, do not forget to include fat on your menu.

Bad Food For You: Why Most Diet Plans Flunk

One of the reasons why people just became contented about being chubby and flabby is because they have tried to lose weight several times before but failed so often. You may be one of those who have had the same experience and that is really so exasperating. After running away from what they claim as the bad food for you, starving yourself and being subjected to torture by bland-tasting dishes, you just end up with the same weight or even more than when you started. 

So, why exactly do most diet flunk?

1.      They are not specific for you – your needs are not the same as with other people, what may work for others may not have to same effect on you or vice versa.

2.      Issues on metabolic type – different people have different metabolic rate, which makes it possible for some to eat much and not gain weight at all while there are those who almost eat nothing but still get heavy.

What you need is a diet that not only tells you which is the bad food for you but would also be designed in such a way that will work with your metabolic process. You need a program that will tell you what to do, when to eat, what to eat and which food to eat. When trying to lose weight, the foods that you eat and the amount that you consume must be exclusively designed for you and not one that is intended for another person. Generalized diets will not do you any good; you will just most likely become disappointed.

The best diet program is one which will help you determine which to eat and not, using certain tools. When you are able to do that, you can eat the food that you enjoy with the proper portions and ingredients that will make your body burn-fat and digest foods more efficiently.

Healthy Diets: Carb in Focus

If you want to go for healthy diets, carb should be part of your daily meal. Carbohydrates, which actually means carbon plus water, is among the three most consumed micronutrients along with fat and protein. However, among the three, it is the easiest to convert to energy but is also easily used up. Its simplest form, glucose, is an important fuel for the brain, which makes carb a vital part of a healthy diet.
Then again, not all carb is fit for weight loss diets. Carb may be classified as good or bad. Bad carbs are those that easily burn out making you feel weak and hungry easily and do not help in your fat-burning goal. The key for carb to be effective is to choose the good ones, specifically the unrefined and more natural food-containing carb. The safest and most effective varieties of which are all fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables are packed with essential nutrients such as minerals, fiber, vitamins and phytochemicals. They are also generally low in calories, which make them really excellent addition to any diet may it be health wise or just to lose weight. Research proved it a lot of times that people who rely mostly on fruits and veggies for their day by day diets are at lower risk of heart diseases. For best results, have them included on every meal daily and as much as possible in their most natural form.

Carb is very important in your day by day diets because it helps the body function properly. You must never leave them out when trying to plan your daily meal because doing so may not do your body any good in the long run especially when artificial supplements are used in its place. Just be keen about what you eat, learn what is good and bad so that you can claim the most favorable effects. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

What to Eat for Diet to Not Get Fat

There are many people who would rather get fat than to go on a diet because they cannot just give up eating. This is a pity because going on a diet is really good for everyone, healthy or not. However, because of the popular belief that the only way to shed weight fast is to refrain from food, a lot of people get discouraged and end up being obese and unhealthy. That is actually not a fact. There are many foods to choose from to develop your diet meal plan and if you succeed in identifying what to eat for diet, you will overcome your fear of getting on a diet plan.

So, what should be part of your day by day diets so that you can shed weight fast?

There are many choose from. You can have spicy chicken wings, mashed sweet potatoes, steak, roast turkey, buffalo meatloaf and a lot more. Sounds very tasty right? But of course! How can you enjoy eating when what you are served are tasteless, plain foods? Gourmet recipes can be included in your day by day diets if you know which products to use.

When you eat to diet, you must be mindful of which products to avoid and which to use in preparing your meals. You do not have to worry though because there is a wide range of raw materials and spices that can be included in this diet meal plan. If you already know the basics, such as the good carbs and fats that can be used as well as the best substitute for the unhealthy products, you can already device your own dishes. However, if you are new to this, you may want to check out the healthy recipes designed by diet experts. You will be surprised at how much you can enjoy losing weight when you learn what to eat for diet. 

Tools for Your Day by Day Diets

If you are trying to lose weight, you really need a guide on your day by day diets. Trying to shed weight requires responsibility and accountability. If you really want to see results, you must work hard and focus. This is why; you need some tools that will help remind you of your pursuit and to keep you on track.

1.      Checklist/To-Do List – this is very useful to keep you posted on what you should be accomplishing for a certain period of time. This may contain specific instructions on what you should do, which food to eat, how much you will eat and perhaps your physical activity requirements. Mark each entry checked once you have done it.
2.      Diet Recipes – Preparing a week’s plan of meals will save you much time and will make you have better focus. It will also make you look forward to your dieting effort, which in this case is eating.
3.      Progress Chart – Recording the changes that take place form when you start up to a certain period will make you see if your day by day diets are working or not. It is best if you set a certain goal for each period so that you can see how things are going. This may become a motivation when you see positive results.
4.      Journal – documenting what you are doing, how you felt each time you do or accomplish something can be very inspiring. It can make you look back and reflect on what you have done wrong or right and can help you make up for sidetracks or rejoice for certain accomplishments.

It is really never easy to diet, even when you are presented with the best diet plan which allows you to eat, if you are not careful, efforts can go to waste. A little help from the above tools can make a lot of difference.

Shed Weight Fast by Eating

How can you shed weight fast by eating? Eating and losing weight are, for most people, antonyms. Well, that should be changed because that is a very passé notion; only those who are still in the dark believe that the only way to shed weight fast is not to eat. The new thing is to eat to diet: having tasty meals on your table every meal time and being satisfied by them on your day by day diets.

Here is an example of an eat to diet meal plan.

Breakfast – French toast, freshly squeezed juice
Lunch – Mediterranean Roast Turkey, Garlic Mashed Cauliflower, and tea juice, pumpkin pie pudding
Snack - fruit pizza
Dinner -  Almond Crusted Chicken, Mini Vegetable Fritatas, DSP Lemonade, coconut bananas

Does this meal plan look appetizing? They indeed are and you might be surprised that you can diet by eating three meals complete with main dish, side dish, beverage and dessert plus a snack (or snacks). This is only possible when you know the right combination of ingredients, when you know the materials needed to come up with healthy and tasty meals.

When you get the hang of it, everything will be easy. If you can already recognize the good carbs from the bad carbs, the fats that are good and bad for you, if you can identify sugar sources and when you stay away from processed foods, you can pretty much design your own day by day diets meal plan similar to the one above. However, if you are just getting started, you may require the help of some experts who have been into this diet for a long time. They can share with you diet recipes that are proven healthy and delicious, which can make your quest on losing weight a very successful and enjoyable one. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

5 Steps on How to Eat and Lose Weight

Here are the five steps on how to eat and lose weight.

1.      Identify the foods that are good for you.
2.      Refrain from the foods that are bad for you.
3.      Prepare delicious meals using the good foods.
4.      Eat to your heart’s content.
5.      Enjoy fat-burning while eating.

This is not to pull your leg. All the steps that are written above will definitely make you slimmer in a jiffy for as long as you stuck with them. It may sound unbelievable because the steps allow you to indulge yourself in delicious meals but hey, were you not looking for an instruction on how to eat and lose weight?

Not eating or consuming tasteless foods in miniature proportions to lose weight is passé. It is a wonder how many people jump into the notion of starvation and torture just to get a slender figure. Foods are created to be eaten. Yes, many of them can actually make you go fat but if you only know how to mix and match or combine healthy ingredients, you will definitely have a lot of fun dieting.

In the steps above, the very important things are actually the first two. When you know which are good and bad for you, if you can identify the good fat from the bad fat or the good carb from the bad carb, your eating will not be limited to the extent that you do not feel satisfied at all after every meal.

As a starter, you may want to do a simple research first about those that can help you burn fat and those that you need to refrain from. However, if you feel that doing so is such a lot of work, you may also download diet recipes that are anchored on this concept. You will be surprised because there are a lot of them out there because many dieters have already turned their backs from going hungry and started eating to lose weight.

There is a Better Way Than to Lose Weight by Calories

Calories, calories, why are they such a bother? If you are going to eat something, do you still stop first and start calculating the number of calorie contents before devouring them? I wonder how you still keep the appetite after sharing math with lunch. You can actually stop that from now on because there is a better way than to lose weight by calories and that is by eating generously.

Diet and dieting have become a torture for many people who want to lose weight. Imagine being asked to eat just fruits and vegetables every single day of your life. And you are ever allowed to eat something else, even a bird would not be satisfied by the amount you are allowed to consume. That is just ridiculous. Eating is a way of life, so you have to enjoy it. This is not to say that you should forget about your figure. If foods can make you fat, they certainly can make you slimmer as well.

Here is how to do it.
-          Identify the good stuff such as the good fat (whole eggs, raw nuts, olive oil, etc) and the good carbs (rice, millet, sweet potato, etc) and eat them. Take note: you need the good stuffs to burn the unwanted fat from the body. If you keep away from them, you will end up storing all the fats inside.
-          Stay away from foods that easily turn to sugar after digestion (whole wheat bread, cereals, yogurt, etc)
-          Refrain from processed foods because their chemical contents can obstruct the functions of the liver making it store a lot of body fats.

If you lose weight by calories, you will definitely be tired of counting even before you have achieved your ideal weight. However, if you implement the above procedure, you may stop thinking of dieting altogether and just let the combination of such foods take care of the fat-burning for you. 

What to Eat For Diet?

Many of us who want to become slim have one important question in mind; what to eat for diet? It is a very crucial question because if you do not eat the right foods, no matter how much effort you put into diet and dieting, you will end up where you started. You do not want a wasted effort; that is for sure. So, if you are serious about losing weight, then dedicate some time in finding out which foods are best for you.

The good thing is that there is a wide range of choices when trying to design your diet plan. You are not limited to fruits and vegetables just like most dieters and diet plans claim. You may actually include chicken, eggs, bacon, steak, fish and a whole lot more of delicious dishes that could make you ask for more. Yes, you may ask for more and you can actually have more of them. This is because not all foods are guilty of making you fat. In fact, a lot of fats and carbs that you are so afraid of can actually help you burn even more fats. This may sound unbelievable but it is true.

You indeed have to be cautious about what to eat for diet but that should be accompanied with knowledge about which is good and which is bad for you. For example, you cannot just let go of fatty foods because you need fat to burn fat. However, it is only the right kind of fat that can help you do that, so you must be very keen.

The time of starvation diet is over. You should be aware that eating is actually the best way to lose weight. It might surprise you that a lot of the mouth-watering dishes can actually be part of your daily meal plan.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Healthier Diets: Carb, Fats and Sugar

Are you having trouble understanding diets? Carb, fats and sugar, you may have been warned about them before but did you really understand why? People are so engrossed about losing weight but do not pay much attention as to why certain diets are important. Sometimes, getting slender is just a “side-effect” but the real thing is that diets should make you healthy.

Then again, if you look at the majority of diet programs, they would either require you to eat tasteless foods or make you abstain from eating altogether. How then will you become vigorous with such a kind of lifestyle? Eating should be part of your everyday activity. All three meals; breakfast, lunch and dinner and even snacks if you want to, must be served. You will not get fat with this practice if you would only exercise healthier diets.

Carb, fats and sugar are key components in designing healthier diets. Just to be clear, you do not have to stay away from them but you need to regulate them in such a way that they would produce an efficient fat-burning effect. Carb and fat are necessary to burn the unwanted fats in the body. Thus, you must have the good variants of the two in your daily meal so that you can enhance your body’s performance. Sugar, on the other hand, is your number one enemy. As much as possible, stay away from food that translates to sugar when ingested or those that make your blood sugar level shoot up because that is one of the main causes of fat production.

When you are able to make the right combination of foods taking in consideration the three factors above, you will be surprised of the wide variety of sumptuous dishes that you can have on every meal. That is really amazing because as you enjoy your food, you also enjoy a healthier body and most especially, you get to burn fat!

Diet Fasts: 4 Quick Ways to Lose Weight

It may not seem easy to diet but when you know the pillars of dieting, losing weight will be a breeze. I have heard a lot of people complain about not losing any pounds after some serious efforts. There are also those who seem to succeed at first but would later on go back to where they started. Seriously, diet and dieting have developed to be an obsession of everyone but only a handful end up victorious. I see two reasons for this to happen.
1.      They were able to endure the torture that their diet plans let them get through
2.      They have found the right diet program.

Finding the right plan for you would not be easy if you just go with the flow. You should try to search for the best alternative so that you can diet fasts. Can you believe that you can lose weight and indulge in the pleasure of food at the same time? Yes you can! Here are quick ways on how you can diet fasts.

-          Keep away from sugar and its sources. All foods have different sugar levels, as much as possible, stay away from those that have high glucose ratings.
-          Do not eliminate good carbs from your diet. Good carbs help burn fat, if you do not have them, your fat-burning activity will slow down.
-          Identify which fats to avoid. Just like carb, good fats also help burn fat. Enhance your body’s metabolism by feeding it correctly.
-          Refrain from processed food. The more times a food is processed or cooked, the higher would be its sugar content. As much as possible, consume foods nearest to their natural state.

Enough of the starvation diets, knowing the foods that are good for you will make dieting an enjoyable experience.

How to Eat and Lose Weight

Almost everyone wants to lose shed some pounds but only a few would sacrifice not eating to do so. If you are one of those who want to know how to eat and lose weight, well, you are in luck because this is a question that has a positive response. Yes, you can eat and diet at the same time! Unlike what most diet programs tell you, eating is not the reason why you become fat rather having the wrong food does.

Indeed, many foods are responsible for making you bulky. In fact, you may not know it but a lot of the acclaimed healthy foods are culprits as well; whole wheat bread, cereals and yogurt are among them. Now, this is not to say that you stay away from everything, the point here is that you must be aware of the good and the bad because for everything, there are those where you can benefit from and also those that can harm you.

Eat good carbs such as rice, millet, fruits and vegetables. Eat good fats like real butter, raw nuts, avocadoes and olive oil. Stay away from foods that are rich in sugar, especially those that affect the blood sugar when ingested including orange juice, “low-fat” foods, and whole wheat bread, to name a few. Refrain from processed foods because their chemical content only makes the liver function less efficient causing the accumulation of fat in the system.

If you can identify the foods that will do you good, it would be easy for you to know how to eat and lose weight. It would be easier for you to go on a diet because you know that you will not be deprived of food, especially the appetizing ones. Losing weight is a great and fun experience, that is, if you will do the right thing. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Processed Foods: An Eat to Diet No-no

When you are on a diet, you are often prohibited to eat a lot of things. It is actually true that there are foods which you have to stay away from when trying to lose weight but was it clear to you why you have to do so? Food can make you fat but if you do not eat, how can you become healthy? Do not refrain from food; however, you must identify which ones can do you good. When you are able to do that you may start your eat to diet plan right away.

An eat to diet plan? Well, I call a diet where you can eat food while in the process of losing weight that because that is how I perceive it. You eat so that you can lose weight. How? Well, the culprit in making you fat is food but do you know that the same thing can also be your defense against being bulky. Tell you what, there are good foods and there are bad ones, stick with the earlier and you will shed weight fast without having to skip meals or snacks.

If it is the first time that you have heard that there is such a thing as eating to diet, then let me just give you an idea. Something where you can start with and one which is important in this type of diet – eliminate, or at least minimize processed food consumption. The reason for this is that your body’s number one enemy is sugar and processed foods are teeming with it. The more times that a food is processed: cooked or preserved, the higher its sugar content is and the worse will be its effect on your body.

So, for starters, you keep away from artificial sweeteners, hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup and processed soy products. Do you know that cereals, whole wheat bread and yogurt contain high fructose corn syrup? This is why, as much as possible, you must abstain from them as well.

What then should you eat? It is best to eat fresh fruits and vegetables and those which contain only one ingredient such as chicken, steak, rice, eggs, fish and many others you thought before was not good for you.

Knowledge is prime; learn more about this type of diet and you can shed weight fast without the drawbacks of the typical weight loss plans.

Day by Day Diets: Shed Weight Fast

When designing your day by day diets, what do you have in mind? To shed weight fast, at least 10 pounds in a week and a consistent weight loss, probably. Well, those are typical results for most diet programs. Another typical thing about them is the suggestion to make yourself go hungry by asking you to have a bird’s share during meal time. Do those kinds of diet motivate you? I am sure they do not.

What if you are presented with a diet plan that allows you to eat three meals plus snacks daily, would you go for it? Ridiculous, this may sound but yes, there is actually a diet designed that way. If you are wondering how you could shed weight fast by eating, then it is time that your eyes are opened to reality.

Day by day diets should be prepared in such a way that your body will function correctly. That is, better metabolism and fat-burning must be forwarded. If you do not eat, this will not be possible because you need food to burn food. You need fat to burn fat and you need carb for better fat-burning activity in the body. You need food but not all food. That is why you need to learn to identify the foods that are good and bad for your body.

Now, do not be depressed. Good food does not mean the bland ones and bad does not mean that you have to let go of tasty dishes. That is a common misconception that must come to end. In fact, the good stuffs include steaks, bacon and eggs. On the other hand, cereals and whole wheat breads are the unhealthy ones. You may say this is crazy, but it is true. This is the fact being promoted by the Diet Solution Program, if you want to learn how you can eat and diet at the same time, go check it out.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Diet and Dieting: Lose Weight by Calories

This is not an article that will encourage you to lose weight by calories rather; it would tell you the truth about this myth about counting calories. Diet and dieting are very unappealing concepts for a lot of people especially because they usually ask you to completely change your lifestyle and would take over your life as soon as they can. You may agree with them that these are necessary but tell you what, that is not true.

Counting calories is not the answer to lose weight. What you need to watch out for is the food that you take in every time you eat. When you know which of them are good and which are bad, you can go on having the usual meals and snacks without having to worry about their calorie contents. Yes, you can lose weight by calories or by counting them, but why bother with that. Is not dieting unattractive enough?

Some studies show that most people are actually not eating enough calories. When you do not have enough of which, your body might reach the starvation mode, which is when insulin has been released in the bloodstream causing the blood sugar level to drop very low. When this happens, the body is alarmed causing it to hold on to fats for sustenance. So, instead of being burnt, they are stuck at where they are. When they accumulate, you become flabby.

When you go for the right stuff, you do not have to worry about calories. Stay away from junk foods, processed foods and sugar. These are your body’s worst enemies. Just go for the good stuff and do not be anxious. The good foods are really good, if you are able to identify them. Just a hint; bacon and eggs and steak are among them.

Diets: Carb is NOT a Matter

When on diets, carb are always blamed for all the fats that are piling inside the body. You would often hear people complaining about it and accusing it for the bad figure and the unsound weight. Come on! All these finger-pointing is definitely NOT true because in reality, you need carbs in fat burning.

Do not go back and read again what I just wrote, you read it right the first time. Carbs are NOT your enemy; they are actually your ally in the quest for a fitter body. Not all of them, however, because they are not created equal. There are bad carb and there are also the good ones. The good carb are those that help in the fat burning activity of the body.

So, which foods belong to either group? Here is a short list:

Whole wheat bread (as well as other breads)
Most pasta
Almost all cereals
Whole grain crackers

Sprouted grain
Sweet potato
All fruits and vegetables

Now, confusion is detected there. Whole wheat breads are healthy right? Wrong. Whole wheat bread produces a spike in blood sugar, which is not good because it prompts the body to produce insulin and in defense to starvation brought by such an activity, the body will hold on to fats. Thus, they are retained and not burnt. Other foods that help burn fats are good fiber, vitamins, minerals and nutrients found in all fruits and vegetables.

There are indeed a lot of misconceptions when it comes to diets. Carb often gets the blame and since it cannot defend itself, the idea prevailed for so long. Now that you have an idea about what it can do for the body, perhaps you should conduct a more thorough research to find out the truth and free yourself from the death sentence most diet programs have bestowed upon you.